We have ranked 24th in the 2020 Best Workplaces awards!
We are really excited to announce that this year we have ranked 24th in the UK Best Workplaces awards. This is our 7th consecutive year being ranked by Great Place to Work and we are just as chuffed now as we were 7 years ago!
Great Place to Work specialise in helping organisations create exceptional, high performing workplaces where employees feel trusted and valued. They apply data and insights from approximately 10,000 organisations across the world to benchmark individual organisations.
The last few months have been challenging for MarketMakers as a business as much as the next. From shifting our entire workforce to working from home, we have had to adapt to new ways of working and overcome new challenges. For anyone that knows us as a business, will know that we thrive from working hard together, as a big family unit. Of course we are still doing just that – but through adapted measures such as video conferencing.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our employees for making this award possible. MarketMakers really is a Great Place to Work and it’s thanks to you.
We are gutted to have missed out on the incredible awards night that GPTW put together, but we are so excited to share celebrations with the whole MM team when we are back in the office, and of course for now, via video call!
The full list of businesses awarded this year can be found here.
If you want to join our award-winning team, contact us through recruitment@marketmakers.co.uk

Tags: Awards, GPTWUK, Great place to work, great times, One Team, Praise, ukbestworkplaces