Marketing Week Live 2019 Highlights
So Marketing Week Live is over for another year. As always, we loved exhibiting at the show and being able to talk to so many people about their marketing plans. We have pulled together a few of our highlights from the 2 days. Until next year, happy marketing!
Day 1: Morning
The team ready to speak to MWLive19 visitors about their lead generation and business development activity.

Day 1: Afternoon
CMO of CM Group Shane Phair gave a really interesting talk and Q&A on “How GDPR saved email marketing: What happens next?” where Shane spoke about how 60% of organisations saw less than a 10% change in email marketing results from GDPR, and 20% saw none at all.
He also stated that after GDPR, CM Group’s customers’ open rates increased by 28%.
He concluded the talk by detailing 3 key things marketers should be doing to maximise email results in a post GDPR world:
- Producing engaging and interactive content
- Personalisation
- Be concise in your emails (especially when emails are increasingly being read on smartphones rather than PCs)

Day 2: Morning
The second day kicked off with a really busy session from the CMO of Uniliver, Keith Weed, “A life in marketing”. A couple of our favourite extracts from this were…
“There’s been more change in the last 5 years in marketing than there has in the last 30.”
“Miserable people produce miserable results. You have to have fun in marketing.”

Amongst all of the amazing speakers on the second day of MWLive19, we also spent some time over at the Xeim stand, where they were running different marketing workshops throughout the day for people to engage in (plus giving away ice cream!).

Day 2: Afternoon
A really exciting part of our time at Marketing Week Live was being able to support our sister company Really B2B’s Managing Director, Kirsty Dawe on the MarTek stage. She gave a talk on “Choosing the right attribution model to optimise your B2B campaigns” and the limitations and successes of current models, like the First Touch and the Linear models. She stated in her Q&A that “you can only attribute correctly if you’re getting the information back from your sales team”.

The last talk of day 2, “Ditch your job description – Do real marketing!” was hosted by Author Thomas Barta. It had some really impactful statements about marketers and the state of our industry, which closed a great 2 days of marketing insight!
Thank you to Marketing Week and Xeim for organising yet another great marketing and networking event. The buzz in the office continues as we follow up the conversations we had with visitors and other exhibitors. You can check out our blog on post-show activity on the Marketing Week Live website!
Tags: B2B Marketing, event marketing, expos, Marketing Week Live