Goal Setting workshop with Paul Thomas
Following on from his previous talk as part of our Monday sales sessions, Paul Thomas, CEO of Lead Forensics and Founder of MarketMakers ran a goal setting workshop this morning.
Big thank you to Paul for giving the MarketMakers and ReallyB2B some extra motivation to kick-start their Wednesday morning!

During his talk, Paul stressed the importance of having goals in different areas of life such as:
- Business
- Personal finances/ investments
- Property
- Personal Development
- Charity
- Fitness
- Health
- Travel
- Friends
- Family
- Relationship
- Interests
“Think about a time in your life when you’ve had a goal, and think back to how you then performed and the difference it made.”
After asking the team to write down their own goals in different areas of life like the ones listed above, he then questioned ‘What could you do this year to move you towards your goals?’
After then asking what you could do this quarter, and then this month to help reach your goals, Paul highlighted the importance of personal development in helping to make those goals more achievable.
“What you know got you here, but what you currently know, won’t get you there.”

“The more you develop yourself, the more money you’re going to earn.”
When talking about goal setting and personal development, Paul also spoke about health & fitness and how that is potentially one of the most important parts of life to have goals in.
“You’ve only got one body, and if you lose your health then you risk losing all of your other goals.”
Paul concluded his talk by referring to Winston Churchill and a quote that he regularly thinks about. “Never give up, never never give up.”
Q&A Session
A Q&A session was also ran, which gave the team a chance to ask Paul some questions as a friend of the business, and an advocate for goal setting and personal development.
You mentioned that health and fitness has played a big part in your goal setting journey, would you share some of your fitness goals?
My health and fitness are really important to me and my goal is based upon maximising my time here so that I am able to carry out the rest of my goals without any restrictions on my health.
What things do you do to get yourself back on track when you’re struggling or want to give up?
You’ve got to be really clear in your mind about why you’re doing, there has to be a purpose for it in your mind in order for you to carry on.
The second thing is also to understand how the mind works. The brain will tell you to quit when things get hard, but unlike the other 99.9% of people, you have to keep going.
The way I see it is that everyone stands on the same start line, like the start of 2019 for example. The difference is that some people are still stood on the start line on December 31st. As long as I move past the start line, I have beaten 99.9% of people.
What is the one thing people can do to make sure their goals are actually hit and that they aren’t just forgotten after this session?
You should book a slot in your diary every week dedicated to your goals. Whether that be before or after work, it’s important to do it when you are in that work mentality because you’ll forget about it at the weekend.
Tags: goal setting, personal development, progression, Success